Saturday, February 27, 2010

Turbo Tax for Mac

I have been using Turbo Tax for years on Windows platform. This year I purchased Mac version for a first time.  There is almost no difference. It imports files from my previous year without any problems and does what it supposed to do.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gisteq PhotoTrackr

I am using PhotoTrackr Lite GPS logger from Gisteq. When I switched to Mac that was one of hardware pieces that did work for me. System had problems recognizing this device. There is Mac OSX version of Phototrackr software but it is useless until you make hardware work. I started searching Gisteq forum and I found a post about connection problems. It seems like device needs firmware upgrade. Unfortunately Mac software cannot do firmware upgrades so I have to download and install latest Windows version on other machine.
After connecting my device it offers automatic upgrade to the latest version of firmware. Then I made sure that I copied GPS logs from my Windows machine just in case device would not work. After connecting device on Mac it is now visible (did not try to actually download logs form it). Also I was able to import logs into my project. In general software works different than Windows version so I will have to learn how to use it.