Thursday, August 26, 2010

Memory upgrade

I do a lot of things at once ion my iMac: run DLNA server, process images and videos, run web server, run browser with multiple tabs opened, iTunes, Skype, Dropbox, etc. It looks like top 3 processes consume over 300MB of memory. I decided to triple installed memory and add 8GB to empty banks. After doing some research I could not decide if really Macs need a "special" memory. There were numerous reports of people having problems after installing non-mac-certified memory even if all technical parameters we exceeding Apple specs. At first I wanted to go with some well know brand like Crucial or Kingston which can be found on Amazon for less than $300. Later I decided to trust OWC and get cheaper memory they claimed to be tested with iMac. I took NuRAM 8GB upgrade kit

Installation was simple. I just looked at Apple Support page: iMac (Late 2009) and iMac (Mid 2010): Installing or replacing memory. I installed memory before in my PC desktops and laptops so my only concern was how hard should I push it to click.

Machine booted without problems and now I will be observing it for while while doing my usual stuff. It looks like I have 8.5GB of free memory so it was really stressed before.

I wonder who is manufacturer of this memory, id is 0x857F and I could not find anything on internet.